Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Where's the rock?? We're ready to climb!
My credit-recovery kiddos have been great, so I treated them to a mini party with Sponge Bob Scaredy Pants and orange cookies and blue banana bread.

I almost bailed on my after-work run. I was tired and it was wet. I contemplated taking a rest day and running tomorrow instead. BUT... you want to know what made me get out there? I'd brought my Halloween-colored running outfit! And if I wore it tomorrow, it just wouldn't be the same. HA! Whatever gets it done ;)
I started with my jacket but took it off after about a mile. It was gusty but plenty warm for no sleeves.

I ran slow - 3.0 miles in 29:16, a 9:44 average. My calves are surprisingly sore from yesterday's stadiums, so I wanted to go easy.
I managed a very short nap before Brad came home and we donned the hot dog costumes:
Chipotle was selling $2 burritos for anyone in costume! 
The place was packed! And our tummies (and wallets) were very happy:
We hurried home to hand out candy to the masses of little trick-or-treaters. BUT... we only had five. FIVE!

I gave up about 8:30 p.m. and turned off the lights. Now I'm getting in to bed to watch Modern Family.


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