Friday, February 24, 2012

Tempo Thursday: elliptical

A weird work day and birthday burritos with Kendra altered my after-school Tempo Thursday plans.

It was really nice to catch up with my friend, even if she wouldn't let me take her picture :)
But it was already about 4:15 p.m. by the time we left the restaurant, and I decided to swing by and see if I could get my hair cut. She was there but at dinner. Then when I got home, I'd lost all my steam.

I need to run 9 miles on Saturday, and I learned my lesson a couple weeks ago that a speed workout and a long workout, even "easy" ones, should not go back to back. So I couldn't just push it back to Friday.

But then there's that thing about racing and PRing on Sunday and then "recovering" with a couple spin workouts.

So I decided that I'd give myself a rest from running and hit the elliptical for a bit instead.
I set it on a hill program and rode for about 25 minutes, stopping briefly in the middle to smash a gigantic spider crawling on the wall in the garage. It was a two-paper towel job!


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