Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer break!

Summer break is finally here!!!

Brad and I got up at 5 a.m. Friday to be at the Tigard Festival of Balloons for the morning launch.

After taking about a million pictures and watching all the balloons lift off (I'll post lots more pics later!), I walked up to THS and put in a couple hours. I worked long hours all week and accumulated a ton of comp time... so now I'm done for the summer!

My cozy bed was calling me for a kick-off-the-summer nap. But I'd packed my workout clothes, so I kept my promise to myself and went for a kick-off-the-summer run before heading home. And boy am I glad I did.
I ran 3.33 miles in 30 minutes - 9:01-minute miles. My 5K PR is 9:10, so I totally blew that out of the water. WOOHOO!!!!

But this is where I am now:

I think I'll shower first and then eat some lunch. After that??????


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